A Website Shake-up for Creative in Chicago

Dear Chicago House,

This blog has grown at such a rate that I have been having a hard time finding old posts that I have written, and if I am having a hard time it is fair to say anyone who is visiting is not having an optimal visit either.

So I have applied my professional web design skills and given this blog a navigational makeover.

I have kicked things off by reworking my navigation bar. It now contains all the post categories, configured as a drop-down function so I could fit everything it.

navigation redesign for creative in chicago

I also integrated a search function into the navigation bar…it used to sit rather lost and lonely in the side bar.

Lastly and have modified the home and category pages so each post is now in summary format ..making the whole blog easier to scan through.

I have a few more modification to make but in the mean time I hope you like it!

Love from

Creative in Chicago


P.S. Are you following me on Facebook or Pinterest?

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