String Art in Progress

Dear Chicago House,

In a bid to create some thing for your bare walls I committed to the ” Imagine the Impossibilities” challenge last week.

… and I am sort of failing at the “filling your bare walls” bit because I have decided that the string art I am making is going to go in the beachy room at your sibling house in St Louis. That too needs some wall love so not a complete fail!

So the words I decided on were SEA & SAND and I designed a template in Adobe Illustrator which acted as my “nail here” blue print.(being a graphic designer has its uses).

I bought a 2′ x 2′ board from home depot and covered it in a layer of thin batting topped with white fabric…curtain lining salvaged from the original disgusting drapes that adorned your windows.

I set to work banging in the nails (#18 3/4″ zinc nails),  my template worked really well and much to my amazement no hammer accidents occurred. All fingers are intact.

Here is my board with about 90% of the nails banged in.

You can see there are not all perfectly vertical, I hope that does not become an issue.

Next step …adding the string. can’t wait to get going with that.

Update:  Mission completed see the stingtabulous creation

Love from

Creative in Chicago


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